Dairymaster chief appointed to UCD food engineering role

Edmond Harty has strong credentials in engineering, science and the future of dairy

Dairymaster chief executive Edmond Harty has been appointed as adjunct full professor in the school of biosystems and food engineering at the UCD College of Engineering and Architecture.

Mr Harty, who won the EY Entrepreneur of the Year award in 2012, has a strong background in engineering and science, having filed more than 90 patent applications and built up a technology-driven dairy equipment company employing more than 350 staff in Causeway, Co Kerry.

Prof Colm O’Donnell, the head of the UCD School of Biosystems and Food Engineering, welcomed Mr Harty’s appointment.

“UCD has prioritised research on manufacturing and agri-food research,” he said. “The appointment of Dr Harty, who has an excellent international track record in engineering and innovation, will further strengthen UCD’s expertise in these areas, particularly in the areas of engineering design, innovation and entrepreneurship.”


Mr Harty said: “My work as CEO at Dairymaster has given me a global perspective on technologies, markets and the future of the dairy sector that I hope to share with students over the coming years.”