Cork accountants James O’Brien & Co merge with Roberts Nathan

Firm will trade as Roberts Nathan, employing 55 staff in Dublin and Cork

James O'Brien (centre) with Roberts Nathan partner Gail Ellis (left) and managing partner Vivian Nathan (right). The merger will see James O'Brien & Co trade under the Roberts Nathan, creating a business with expected annual revenues of €6 million. Photograph: Roberts Nathan

Cork accountancy business James O’Brien & Co has merged with Dublin firm Roberts Nathan in an arrangement that will see all senior staff at the business retained.

Post-merger, the Ballintemple-based firm will trade under the Roberts Nathan business name. Financial details of the agreement have not been disclosed but it is understood the restructured firm is expected to generate annual revenues of more than €6 million, employing 55 staff in Cork and Dublin. A spokeswoman for the business said all senior staff, including principal James O’Brien, will be retained in the merger.

Ian Curran

Ian Curran

Ian Curran is a Business reporter with The Irish Times