Opening delay cost €70m in lost revenue, claims IkeaIKEA, WHICH will open its first Dublin branch in July, has lost in the region of €70 million in revenue as a result of a six-…Sat Jan 24 2009 - 00:00
Meath latest to cut prices of affordable homesMEATH COUNTY Council is to cut the price of its affordable homes – to as low as €100,000 in some cases – to clear a backlog of…Fri Jan 23 2009 - 00:00
Dublin council to reduce affordable house pricesDUBLIN CITY Council is to discount its total stock of affordable homes to get rid of a backlog of 300 unsold houses that are …Wed Jan 21 2009 - 00:00
Bus cuts a matter for firm, says DempseyJOB LOSSES and service cuts at Dublin Bus are a matter for management and unions at the company and not the Government, Minister…Sat Jan 17 2009 - 00:00
Figurative sculpture planned for Liffey scrappedTHE DUBLIN Docklands Authority has said it will not be going ahead with the 46m (150ft) steel sculpture of a human figure in …Sat Jan 17 2009 - 00:00
Ambulance smell not due to fire, says HSEAN UNUSUAL odour, which caused an ambulance transferring a patient from Cork to Dublin to be abandoned en route, was not caused…Fri Jan 16 2009 - 00:00
Wire man set to wade in to Liffey as 10-year planning permission grantedTHE ERECTION in the river Liffey of a 46m (150ft) sculpture of a human figure – almost the same height as the Statue of Liberty…Fri Jan 16 2009 - 00:00
€35m sewerage plant payment defendedDUBLIN CITY Council and the Department of the Environment have defended the payment of €35 million to the developers of the Ringsend…Thu Jan 15 2009 - 00:00
Unions say they will resist public pay cutsUNIONS HAVE said they will resist pay cuts in the face of a warning from Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan that public sector…Mon Jan 12 2009 - 00:00
Union calls for zero tolerance after assault on bus driverTHE NATIONAL Bus and Rail Union (NBRU) has called for custodial sentences and heavy fines for assaults on bus drivers after a…Mon Jan 12 2009 - 00:00
New fines of €5,000 for water wastageHOUSEHOLDERS, BUSINESSES and farmers will face fines of up to €5,000 if they break new water conservation regulations signed …Wed Jan 07 2009 - 00:00
Union warns on 'quick fix' pay cutsCUTS TO public service wages must not be used as a "quick fix" to shore up the economy, Siptu president Jack O'Connor has said…Wed Jan 07 2009 - 00:00
Waste piles up as firm misses bin collectionsTHOUSANDS OF Dublin residents have been left holding large amounts of recyclable rubbish following the failure of waste company…Wed Jan 07 2009 - 00:00
More than half of litter fines unpaidMORE THAN half of litter fines imposed by local authorities go unpaid, according to anti-litter lobby group Irish Businesses …Tue Jan 06 2009 - 00:00
Playwright a great alongside Beckett and Friel - ColganHarold Pinter (1930-2008): tributes paid to Nobel prize-winning writerSat Dec 27 2008 - 00:00
Actions against taxi drivers declineCOMPLAINTS AGAINST taxi drivers have fallen by more than 20 per cent this year, with grievances relating to conduct and behaviour…Sat Dec 27 2008 - 00:00
Partnership projects not viable, builders claimPUBLIC PRIVATE Partnerships (PPPs) have no future in the production of social housing, according to both construction industry…Sat Dec 27 2008 - 00:00
Mother and two daughters die in house fire in Co KilkennyTHE FUNERAL arrangements for a mother and her two young daughters who died in a fire at their Co Kilkenny home on Christmas Day…Sat Dec 27 2008 - 00:00
€90,000 in deposits withheld over concert noiseDUBLIN CITY Council is withholding cash deposits totalling €90,000 from concert promoters MCD and Aitken Promotions for exceeding…Sat Dec 27 2008 - 00:00
Cashless on-street parking system to be piloted in DublinA NEW cashless parking system, which will allow motorists to use on-street parking without visiting a parking meter, will be …Sat Dec 27 2008 - 00:00
Firm criticises city council's regeneration planBOSTON FIRM Corcoran Jennison says it is still willing to redevelop three major Dublin housing regeneration projects which Dublin…Thu Dec 18 2008 - 00:00
Taxi regulator has 'lost control;THE TAXI regulator is "turning a blind eye" to the thousands of illegal taxis plying for hire throughout the State, the president…Thu Dec 18 2008 - 00:00
Mayoral election plan to be unveiledTHE WHITE Paper on local government reform, which will establish a directly-elected mayor for Dublin, will be published within…Wed Dec 17 2008 - 00:00
Two of 37 discrimination cases upheld by authority in NovemberONLY TWO of 37 cases taken by individuals who felt they were discriminated against under employment and equal status legislation…Tue Dec 16 2008 - 00:00
Charity warning on rental arrearsHOUSING CHARITY Threshold has warned tenants on tight budgets against falling behind in their rent by overspending at Christmas…Mon Dec 15 2008 - 00:00
Despair as flats regeneration scheme falls foul of slumpTHERE ARE 42 concrete steps up to John Ellis's top-floor flat in Croke Villas just off the Ballybough Road in Dublin's north …Sat Dec 13 2008 - 00:00
SVP faces crisis as money starts to run outSEVERAL BRANCHES of the Society of St Vincent de Paul are running out of money and will reach crisis point within months, an …Thu Dec 11 2008 - 00:00
Public-private partnership scheme failsANOTHER DUBLIN City Council public-private partnership (PPP) which was to provide the regeneration of an inner city social housing…Thu Dec 11 2008 - 00:00
Family and friends main providers of cannabis to users, survey findsALMOST ALL cannabis users in Ireland source the drug from family or friends, according to the latest research from the National…Wed Dec 10 2008 - 00:00
Harvest rain to cut water use, says reportRAINWATER HARVESTING could significantly extend the life of water treatment plants and cut down on the waste of drinking water…Wed Dec 10 2008 - 00:00
Dublin population set to fall for first time since FamineTHE POPULATION of Dublin will fall for the first time since the period shortly after the Famine if immigrants stop coming to …Fri Dec 05 2008 - 00:00
Travellers will suffer most in recession, says equality chiefTRAVELLERS WILL bear the brunt of the economic downturn unless they are directly targeted for employment, chief executive of …Thu Dec 04 2008 - 00:00
EPA grants licence for €250m incineratorTHE PROPOSED €250 million Poolbeg incinerator has been granted an operating licence by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA…Wed Dec 03 2008 - 00:00
Equality chief concerned downturn hitting TravellersTravellers will bear the brunt of the economic downturn unless they are directly targeted for employment, chief executive of …Wed Dec 03 2008 - 00:00
Council to pay €95m for flats rebuildDUBLIN CITY Council is to spend €95 million to regenerate three major inner city flat complexes which were to have been rebuilt…Tue Dec 02 2008 - 00:00
New case against Dartmouth park owner taken by councilDUBLIN CITY Council is taking new legal proceedings against Athlone businessman Noel O'Gara over his management of the park at…Tue Dec 02 2008 - 00:00
Illegal viewers advised to contact UPCBUYERS OF illegal digital television decoding devices, which allow free access to subscription television services, could face…Tue Dec 02 2008 - 00:00
'Head shop' products face banMINISTER FOR Health Mary Harney is to consider banning stimulant drugs sold in so-called "head shops", following her ban on magic…Mon Dec 01 2008 - 00:00
Plan to scrub out Dublin's graffitiDUBLIN BUSINESSES aim to eliminate graffiti in the city centre by the end of next year under a new intensive clean-up and "zero…Mon Dec 01 2008 - 00:00
Dublin councillors approve spending cuts and commercial rates increaseDUBLIN CITY councillors last night approved the council's 2009 budget, which includes a €7Tue Nov 25 2008 - 00:00
Dublin City Council narrowly passes budgetDublin City Council has voted narrowly in favour of a €7.6 million cut in the 2009 budget.Mon Nov 24 2008 - 00:00
Dublin councillors to vote on 2009 budgetDUBLIN CITY councillors will tonight vote on whether to ratify the city manager’s proposed 2009 budget, which includes major …Mon Nov 24 2008 - 00:00
Christmas music on Grafton Street sparks noise pollution investigationDUBLIN CITY Council is investigating potential noise pollution caused by Christmas music amplified from the Brown Thomas department…Sat Nov 22 2008 - 00:00
Dublin water proposals to be released todayPROPOSALS TO pump water from the Shannon river's lakes to Dublin to serve the city's water needs will be released for public …Sat Nov 22 2008 - 00:00
Docks authority rules out claims against itTHE DUBLIN Docklands Development Authority has said it will face no compensation claims following a High Court ruling which overturned…Thu Nov 20 2008 - 00:00
Dublin aims to be most accessible city for disabledDUBLIN IS aiming to become the most accessible city in the world for people with disabilities, the elderly and parents of young…Thu Nov 20 2008 - 00:00
Dublin City Council to slash capital budgetDUBLIN CITY Council plans to slash its investment in Dublin's infrastructure for the next three years by more than €330 million…Tue Nov 18 2008 - 00:00
Equality Tribunal dismisses all but five of 28 cases broughtJUST FIVE of 28 cases taken under employment and equal status legislation were upheld by the Equality Tribunal last month.Tue Nov 18 2008 - 00:00
Big Siptu majority in favour of national pay agreementTHE STATE'S largest union has voted to accept the new national pay deal, paving the way for the ratification of the agreement…Sat Nov 15 2008 - 00:00
Several trade unions to announce results of ballots on pay dealSEVERAL OF the State's largest trade unions will today announce results of ballots on the draft national pay agreement, ahead…Fri Nov 14 2008 - 00:00