Then & now Mandy Smith, singerSHE HAD IT ALL – model looks, party lifestyle and a rock-star boyfriendSat Jul 23 2011 - 01:00
Then & NowMichael Carruth: Boxer QUEEN ELIZABETH’S VISIT was a comprehensive PR victory for Ireland, helping us get back into the international…Sat Jul 16 2011 - 01:00
Then & now Martin Donnelly, racing driverIT WAS ONE of the most horrific crashes in modern Formula 1 racing, and it ended the very promising career of Belfast man Martin…Sat Jul 02 2011 - 01:00
Diamond sparkles on Dublin return with vintage performanceNEIL DIAMOND fans could not have picked a better night to see their hero in action at the Aviva, DublinMon Jun 27 2011 - 01:00
Then & Now: Shere Hite, sexologistIN 1976, A YOUNG grad student from Missouri dropped a bombshell into the bedrooms of the world, and blew apart our preconceptions…Sat Jun 25 2011 - 01:00
I feel rock ‘n’ roll, I look rock ‘n’ roll and I sound rock ‘n’ roll. I am rock ‘n’ rollLAST MONTH, ITV aired a repeat of its 2008 show An Audience With Neil DiamondMon Jun 20 2011 - 01:00
Then & now Betty Boo, musician“BETTY BOO/ Betty Boo just doin’ the do/ And you are through/ And there’s nothing you can doSat Jun 11 2011 - 01:00
Then & now Shaun CassidyYOUR BIG BROTHER called them The Nancy Boys and Hardy Drew , but you ignored himSat Jun 04 2011 - 01:00
Then & now Valerie SingletonTHEY WERE THREE of the most familiar and best-loved faces on daytime TV, entertaining millions of kids with tips on how to make…Sat May 28 2011 - 01:00
Why pop will never go bangCULTURE: Retromania: Pop Culture’s Addiction to its Own Past By Simon Reynolds Faber and Faber, 496pp. £17.99Sat May 28 2011 - 01:00
SuedeSuede * * * * * Dog Man Star * * * * Coming Up * * * * Head Music * * A New Morning * Edsel RecordingsFri May 27 2011 - 01:00
Then & now Stirling Moss‘WHO DO YOU think you are, Stirling Moss?” If we had a euro for every time we’ve been asked that question, either by girlfriends…Sat May 14 2011 - 01:00
The Zombies ft Colin Bunstone and Rod ArgentBreathe Out, Breathe In Red House Records * * *Fri May 13 2011 - 01:00
Old Slowhand not ready to slow down yetNO SLOWING down for slowhand Eric Clapton at the O2Tue May 10 2011 - 01:00
Then & now Don Conroy, artistIN THE 1980s and 1990s, every Irish kid (and many Irish grown-ups) tuned in to The Den on RTÉ TV every afternoonSat May 07 2011 - 01:00
The WaterboysIn a Special Place (the Piano Demos for This Is The Sea ) EMI ****Fri Apr 22 2011 - 01:00
FrontlinesFashion from old rope is the theme of Junk Couture, a national second-level student competition to create clothes from rubbish…Sat Apr 16 2011 - 01:00
Then & Now: Ron KovicHE WAS BORN on July 4th, and he became world-famous as the hero of an Oscar-winning filmSat Apr 09 2011 - 01:00
'Riverdance' and 'You Raise Me Up' composers feted by music academyBILL WHELAN, the composer of Riverdance, and Brendan Graham, the co-writer of You Raise Me Up , are the first artists to be inducted…Tue Apr 05 2011 - 01:00
Kylie makes it a big showbiz splashMUSCULAR GLADIATORS in winged helmets, scantily dressed acrobats, chariots, giant golden shells and huge fountains – it’s enough…Wed Mar 23 2011 - 00:00
Word On The Street: Social ProofWhat it means: You’re really liking that new Lykke Li album, and you reckon Boardwalk Empire is as good as The Sopranos and Mad…Sat Mar 12 2011 - 00:00
Bieber fever hits Dublin: 10,000 fans show they are true beliebers“THERE’S NO cure for Bieber fever,” quipped 17-year-old pop sensation Justin Bieber in an interview, and there’s probably no …Wed Mar 09 2011 - 00:00
Word on the street: BinimalistWhat it means: It refers to the neo-minimalists, an unstoppable army of feng shui masters keeping everything clean and uncluttered…Sat Mar 05 2011 - 00:00
Word on the street Collaborative ConsumptionWhat it means: The old business model is broken, but some people are picking up the pieces and turning them into cashSat Feb 26 2011 - 00:00
Squint and you could have been at the OscarsPierce Brosnan looked every bit the old smoothie as he exuded the 007 charmMon Feb 14 2011 - 00:00
Then & now Mary Peters, olympianIN 1972, WITH every headline from Northern Ireland announcing fresh horrors, one woman’s achievement temporarily took people’…Sat Feb 12 2011 - 00:00
Word on the street Smartphone ShuffleWhat it means: The inelegant slow-step that happens when you stop walking like a normal pedestrian, and instead adopt the shuffling…Sat Feb 12 2011 - 00:00
Getting up, standing upMUSIC: I & I: The Natural Mystics - Marley, Tosh & Wailer , By Colin Grant, Jonathan Cape, 305pp. £20Sat Feb 05 2011 - 00:00
We heart artSt Valentine’s Day is the one day in the year when it’s all right to go all gushy, slushy, squidgy and syrupySat Feb 05 2011 - 00:00
Pioneer of the people's musicBIOGRAPHY: The Man Who Recorded the World: A Biography of Alan Lomax By John Szwed, Heinemann, 438pp. £20Sat Jan 22 2011 - 00:00
Unhurried in a harried worldTV REVIEW: Arts Lives: The Writing in the Sky RTÉ1, Tuesday; Eco Eye RTÉ1, Tuesday; Operation Transformation RTÉ1, Wednesday…Sat Jan 08 2011 - 00:00
From gleeks to Wikileaks: the buzzwords of 2010Are you a gleek? Is that a vuvuzela in your pocket? Then join the Tea Party, order a pill-latte and get ready for a shellacking…Tue Dec 28 2010 - 00:00
Give your favourite festival the thumbs upSMALL PRINT: AS WE trudge through the snow and slush, thoughts naturally turn to summer and sloshing through the mud at one …Mon Dec 06 2010 - 00:00