EU calls out contradiction in Britain’s Border fudgeDublin risks being pushed into corner unless issue is sorted later rather than soonerFri Nov 10 2017 - 10:53
Cliff Taylor: Noonan and Donohoe rule-switching could cost €1bn next yearChange in tax treatment of intellectual property and subsequent and reversal hard to fathomWed Nov 08 2017 - 06:14
Surging US economy down to the ‘Trump effect’ – or just good luckTrump – one year on: Given the president has not implemented promised policies, it is clear he inherited a strengthening economySat Nov 04 2017 - 10:00
Cliff Taylor: Government faces first crunch moment in Brexit talksWe have heard more than enough nonsense about frictionless and seamless bordersSat Nov 04 2017 - 05:00
Ireland has more to fear from Europe than US in terms of taxCliff Taylor: It is unclear whether latest US tax plan will clear CongressThu Nov 02 2017 - 19:08
Cliff Taylor: Proper bank regulation is about people and not processSplitting the Central Bank up again is not the answer. Changes are needed in regulation and in the bank boardrooms.Sat Oct 28 2017 - 05:00
What does the latest ECB move mean for interest rates?Despite cut to economic stimulus, any rise in the ECB rate is unlikely until 2019 at earliestThu Oct 26 2017 - 14:00
Tracker scandal: When will people get their money back?Cliff Taylor: There’s a long way to go as customers affected set to surpass 20,000Wed Oct 25 2017 - 19:28
Time to put the skids under banks that drag their tracker-scandal heelsCliff Taylor: Where moral suasion fails, use fitness and probity powersWed Oct 25 2017 - 06:15
PAYE programme revamp to create costs for employersWorkers to get full entitlements faster as allowances and credits updated in real timeMon Oct 23 2017 - 05:30
Tracker scandal: consumers sacrificed on altar of rescuing banksCliff Taylor: Quiet acceptance emerged that customers could be charged a bit extraSat Oct 21 2017 - 09:42
Cliff Taylor: Tracker mortgage scandal hinges on key momentScrapping of trackers in 2008 used to justify refusal to offer them to existing borrowersFri Oct 20 2017 - 06:00
Stamp duty relief for farmers to be part of Finance BillSpecial 1% rate applies to transfer of land within families, with age restriction abolishedWed Oct 18 2017 - 13:21
Cliff Taylor: OECD lobs a grenade into the Brexit debateIntervention puts stark numbers on what a hard Brexit could mean - which in turn underlines the threat to Ireland’s growth prospectsTue Oct 17 2017 - 15:26
Hurricane Ophelia: How is it impacting on your area?Cork begins to assess damage as red warning remains in operation throughout the countryMon Oct 16 2017 - 21:27
Cliff Taylor: New politics reinforcing old approach to budget dayPaschal Donohoe risks finding boom and bust a hard habit to breakSat Oct 14 2017 - 05:00
Tax will take more of gains than budget allowed for - ESRIInstitute finds expected wage rises not factored inThu Oct 12 2017 - 00:01
Inflationary stealth tax will eat into Budget 2018 gainsWage rises mean burden won’t fall for many despite budget measuresWed Oct 11 2017 - 15:53
Tax break on intellectual property changed to raise fundsMove will raise more money in the short term from multinational sector in IrelandTue Oct 10 2017 - 21:52
Cliff Taylor: Budget 2018 tried to be all things to all lobbies, but it is spread thinlyAnalysis: Government left hoping that threat of Brexit does not upset the sumsTue Oct 10 2017 - 19:08
Budget 2018: It looks like €5 to €6 a week for middle earnersHow to work out the impact for you as the Budget is announcedMon Oct 09 2017 - 13:23
Change to intellectual property tax write-offs will boost revenuesMove on multinational tax arrangements expected to be announced in the BudgetSat Oct 07 2017 - 08:30
Cliff Taylor: Government will find enough cash for €1bn budgetBrexit has complicated the search for revenue, but there will be enough for some key tax and spending changesSat Oct 07 2017 - 05:00
Cliff Taylor: Latest Apple move part of a wider tax warTensions flare between Brussels and Dublin as the European Commission turns up the heatWed Oct 04 2017 - 11:16
The head-wrecking complexity of recasting WTO rules after BrexitCliff Taylor: The details will be hugely important for Irish businessesSat Sept 30 2017 - 07:47
Michael O’Leary needs to cut the soundbites and get back to basicsRyanair faces a crucial few months as it fights to sort its pilot problemsSat Sept 30 2017 - 05:00
The battle to win US investment is about to get tougherCliff Taylor: Trump’s proposal of a 20% rate could slow the amount of overseas investmentWed Sept 27 2017 - 12:54
Varadkar sets out to win nonexistent debate on property taxAnalysis: Taoiseach doesn’t need to battle for homeowners. He can just decide, if Dáil agreesTue Sept 26 2017 - 11:50
Property tax risks dying of neglectThe balance of opinion in some councils is that there may be more votes in better servicesSat Sept 16 2017 - 05:00
The tricky politics of Ireland’s corporation taxThe changing mood towards the State’s tax regime presents opportunities and dangersThu Sept 14 2017 - 01:00
Ireland needs to stay ahead of the corporate tax reform gamePaschal Donohoe must resist calls from some of the Ireland Inc lobby to slow reformWed Sept 13 2017 - 06:00
Our diplomats facing a fight in Brussels and it’s not about BrexitLooming new corporate tax proposals open up another battlefront for IrelandMon Sept 11 2017 - 05:23
EU may not protect Ireland when it comes to the BorderEurope and the UK are placing higher priority on other issues in the Brexit talksSat Sept 09 2017 - 05:00
Donohoe to focus on 20% tax band rather than ratesMinister for Finance hints at budget provisions in speech to Kennedy Summer SchoolFri Sept 08 2017 - 13:45
Clarity no closer on post-Brexit border for Irish economyCentral issue is how to control movement of goods entering Britain from other countriesThu Sept 07 2017 - 13:26
Cliff Taylor: No easy targets for Budget tax hikesPAYE tax credit change would put higher earners in the firing lineWed Sept 06 2017 - 09:59
Cliff Taylor: How can we get Irish traffic out of this jam?The upturn has brought traffic to a standstill. Big decisions are needed – fastSat Sept 02 2017 - 05:00
Slumping sterling now a clear danger for Irish exportersCliff Taylor: Even if euro parity isn’t on the cards, the exchange rate is hurting businessWed Aug 30 2017 - 06:13
Cliff Taylor: High-cost Ireland set to continue punishing the youngMillennial squeeze driven by high costs of rent, mortgages and childcareSat Aug 26 2017 - 05:00
Brexit will sour Paschal Donohoe’s ‘jam tomorrow’ tax cut plansIf Britain is heading for a hard Brexit, we will be seeing economic nerves by next yearWed Aug 23 2017 - 05:50
Rental crisis: lack of supply is the real problem, not price risesAnalysis: two-tier market is emerging with existing tenants slow to move due to fears of rent risesTue Aug 22 2017 - 14:29
Cliff Taylor: British Brexit plan is more Blackadder than MachiavelliBritain will use Border as level to try to progress talks on post-Brexit trade dealsSat Aug 19 2017 - 05:00
We are still in the dark on how the Brexit Border will workCliff Taylor: EU Commission is unlikely to sign up unless it is happy that the Border is reasonably soundWed Aug 16 2017 - 17:21
Britain’s Brexit fudge will not fly with the rest of the EUCliff Taylor: Plan will not survive contact with enemy when negotiators get to BrusselsWed Aug 16 2017 - 06:05
Britain gives the first hint of how it sees trade and customs working after BrexitUK proposes transition period on leaving EU to allow for new trade deal to be agreedTue Aug 15 2017 - 12:52
Why should we propose solutions to a ‘hard’ Border we don’t want?Cliff Taylor: we need to keeping telling the Conservatives and the DUP we await their Border proposalsSat Aug 05 2017 - 05:00
Mission impossible: how do Irish companies prepare for Brexit?Cliff Taylor: firms must factor in costs for a hard Brexit while hoping it never happensWed Aug 02 2017 - 06:05
Government warned against broad social welfare increasesDepartment of Social Protection indicates rise in all areas may not be possibleTue Aug 01 2017 - 01:00
Cliff Taylor: Politicians must fix the leak in Irish Water’s fundingTDs need to take responsibility for the consequences of capitulating on water chargesSat Jul 29 2017 - 05:24
Bertie, chlorine-washed chicken and the Brexit borderTensions over the Border after Brexit highlight key economic risksFri Jul 28 2017 - 17:55