Share your view: What do you miss about Ireland? What do you not miss at all?

We would like to hear from Irish people living abroad about what makes them stop and think about Ireland, and what they will never remember fondly

It’s St Patrick’s Day on Friday, so we’ve been thinking about the best and worst things about the small island on the edge of Europe we call home.

We would like to hear from readers - particularly those who have moved abroad - about what they miss most about Ireland, and what they certainly don’t miss even a little bit.

Maybe you didn’t realise how much you loved the weather in Ireland - or (more likely) that it is one of the things you definitely don’t remember fondly. Perhaps some part of Irish culture makes you yearn for home. Or it could be family and friends - perhaps particularly for Irish people who are a long way from home.

Or maybe it’s far simplier than that - it’s saying “thank you” to the bus driver, or enjoying a packet of crisps, or the stunning scenery.


Whatever it is, let us know your views using the form. Some of the submissions may be published in The Irish Times. Thank you and happy St Patrick’s Day wherever in the world you are.

Damian Cullen

Damian Cullen

Damian Cullen is Health & Family Editor of The Irish Times