Landlords with 100-plus tenancies in Dublin now have 26% of rental market
Number of institutional landlords in capital has grown, with average rent for new tenancies at €2,226
Number of institutional landlords in capital has grown, with average rent for new tenancies at €2,226
‘We have to simply work on attracting private sector investment into house building at an appreciable scale that will make the difference’
Fully electric building meets sustainability credentials
Operating company has until January to pay back a €9m debt to its parent, Marriott International
Pat Crean’s Marlet Property Group clinches deal with US technology giant for landmark Dublin city centre scheme
Vacancy rate hit 15.9% in the second quarter, says Knight Frank
The best news, analysis and comment from The Irish Times business desk
Sale of Shelbourne Hotel this year netted its owner a $99m profit but questions are being asked about how the new owners can make a return on their investment
Five-star Dublin hotel was sold to Archer Hotel Capital and details of the gain for Kennedy Wilson were included in a stock market filing in the US
Block forms part of wider south Dublin residential scheme now largely owned by Kennedy Wilson
Kennedy Wilson attribute a jump in turnover ‘mainly due to the strong performance’ of the five-star hotel
Block 2 at Blackrock Business Park producing rental income of €999,999 per annum from strong tenant line-up
Hefty price has raised eyebrows within the hospitality industry
The Taylor Swift effect this summer is just one in a series of big events that is boosting room rates
Seen & Heard: Energy for data centres and ‘brain drain’ warning
Torriam, a subsidiary of Marriott International, operates the luxury hotel under licence from Kennedy Wilson
Kennedy Wilson’s hotel revenues jumped by more than 18% to $16.4m
Projects are in Coopers Cross, The Grange, and Sanford Lodge, and bring Irish portfolio to more than 3,300 units
Scheme in Dublin’s south docklands features dedicated telecommunications rooms to guard against data theft
Average daily room rate at Stephen’s Green establishment increased more than 20% to €389 in the first quarter
Fourth-floor office accommodation has undergone extensive refurbishment and is available on flexible terms for €30 per square foot
Sustainably manufactured fins on office block facades will reduce the need for heating and air conditioning
Lenders prepare to offload debt at a discount even when borrowers are up to date on payments
Charlie and Max O’Reilly Hyland get green light for development at 92 and 93 St Stephen’s Green
Regardless of where you stand in the housing market, here is a comprehensive breakdown of the facts and figures
The five-star hotel in Dublin saw its average room rate rise by 19% in euro terms last year
In the News podcast: Apartment block in Rialto not being used despite scale of housing crisis
Rialto scheme of 39 apartments was sold by Kennedy Wilson to Dublin City Council in lieu of apartments in ‘premium’ developments
151-bedroom Premier Inn at Newmarket Yards is due for completion in 2023
Herberton scheme of 39 apartments sold by Kennedy Wilson to Dublin City Council in lieu of apartments in ‘premium’ developments
Dentons, Aircastle and Davidson Kempner sign long-term leases on offices at newly refurbished scheme in heart of Dublin’s traditional business district
Debt will fund development of 1,850 sq m mixed-use scheme in Stillorgan
Average room rates at the five star Dublin hotel increased in the second quarter
Project will have more than 100 build-to-rent apartments
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