Not only is it the choice activity of anyone who's locking themselves away from the world because "2016 tho", 'brooding' also happened to be the first action on Adam Bairstow's list when he and his mates Liam Naylor and Adam Speare were coming up with band names. "[We] thought so much on the name that we just decided to list the actions we'd been doing to feel creative with this choice. Top of that list was 'Brooding'. Fate almost?" To anyone familiar with the three-piece psycho-grunge bandfrom Nottingham, it won't come as a shock to know that the idea stuck, the band adopting the name Brooders (that's also a pun on Brüders if you're feeling a little German) soon after.
Before there were name games, however, there was the formation. Adam pins his college days with brother-in-arms, Liam, as those that got the Brooders initiative rolling. "Our tastes just clicked," he says, reminiscing on nights spent journeying to college, alternating car DJ-ing. "One night we decided to go for a jam: I'd been messing with new pedals, turnings and all sorts of odd stuff and Liam just seemed up for what I was churning out. We just really enjoyed playing." Add in housemate Speare a short while on, and suddenly the band had found its feet. "Everything has been so much better since," Adam says.
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Interview: Brooders's entertainment editor, Gemma Kent, chats with Brooders’ voclaist, Adam Bairstow, ahead of the release of their mini-LP on February 11th