Fifa ethics committee extends Valcke suspension

The Fifa Secretary General has seen his suspension extended by 45 days

Fifa Secretary General Jerome Valcke holding a copy of a newspaper article headlined ‘SWC in SA big mistake’ during a press conference in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2010. Photograph: EPA

Fifa's ethics watchdog on Wednesday extended the suspension of Fifa Secretary General Jerome Valcke, a day after its investigators had recommended an extension and that he also be banned from soccer for nine years over alleged corruption.

“The adjudicatory chamber of the ethics committee chaired by Mr Hans-Joachim Eckert has decided to extend the suspension of Mr Jerome Valcke by 45 days, at the request of the investigatory chamber,” the ethics body for Zurich-based soccer body Fifa said in a statement. “The extension of the suspension starts from today.”

The Frenchman is facing a nine-year ban after an ethics investigation into several alleged offences including being connected to black market sales of World Cup tickets. The ethics committee’s investigatory chamber recommended a nine-year ban and a 100,000 Swiss franc fine on charges including conflicts of interest and offering and accepting gifts and other benefits.