“Something’s rotten in the State of Denmark.”
That famous line from Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’ still comes to mind, particularly when an unseemly squabble takes a nasty turn.
The stand-off between the Munster Branch of the IRFU and a group of members in the Munster Association of Referees (MAR) based in the Cork area shows no sign of abating. The provenance of this was the decision to move to best governance practices, and, in doing so, the curious long-term arrangement of having two constituent parts, 'south,' the Cork area and beyond, and 'north,' the Limerick area, was terminated, and one single entity emerged. Sensible.
This went down just like a lead balloon with some MAR members in the former ‘south,’ while those in the ‘north’ do not seem concerned and are whistling away, business as usual.
As the new system got underway interviews were held, with the various honorary officer roles being filled in this way, and another, much heavier, lead balloon came crashing to earth. These officers are not recognised by the disaffected group, and are being “told” to resign. Apparent signs of the tail trying to wag the dog here, but very uncomfortable for those on the receiving end.
Whatever errors the branch may have made along the way, there are normal channels readily available to air these concerns. However, there is no excuse for, shamelessly, holding the game to ransom. Those involved might well consider if this is how they really want to be remembered.
It may well be that solutions of a disciplinary nature may have to be sought, as difficult and unpleasant as these would be
These dissidents are actively boycotting matches, and encouraging others to do the same. The net result of their action is that some local matches have not been played, and other All-Ireland League fixtures have only been able to go ahead with the clubs supplying their own touch judges.
Without for one moment questioning the integrity of people who have been good enough to step up so that matches can proceed, this can only have a very negative effect on officiating, on the accuracy of decision making. And, of course, there is no ‘flagging’ for foul play; their function is solely to adjudicate touch and kicks at goal, no other advice can be given to, or sought by, the referee. That is troubling within the context of equity in an all-Ireland competition where every match should have the full complement of officials.
The MAR is a sub-committee of the Branch, it is not an independent club, and everybody should realise that position and accept the rules of governance. In fact, valid membership surely implies such acceptance; what is effectively a partial ‘strike’ is doing very real damage to the association. Recruitment is the life blood of not just refereeing, but of the game itself, and it has been on its knees for too long; new efforts and initiatives in the pipeline should undoubtedly help, but it’s anything but a quick numbers fix.
There are several solutions to this utter mess, and the ambition, on all sides, must be that it’s the one where goodwill is restored, and that all active referees accept all of their appointments, in other words get on with the reason they became referees in the first place. Men and women take up the whistle for a variety of reasons, high on the list - believe it or not - is ‘enjoyment,’ and also on-pitch participation in the game. Others do so to ‘give something back to the game.’

These noble causes are forgotten as the strife continues, rather than diminishes, and it may well be that solutions of a disciplinary nature may have to be sought, as difficult and unpleasant as these would be. But things have already escalated - at least one anonymous letter has winged its way to a member off the MAR’s executive committee, which is doing its level best to keep the show on the road. While I have not been in contact with the recipient, it’s not exactly a state secret that the wording could best be termed as ‘disturbing.’
An unsigned letter, by its nature, is cowardly in the extreme, but is also designed to intimidate, to frighten. Any such correspondence, now or in the future, has to be the subject of a robust investigation, and not just by the Branch or the IRFU, no stone should be left unturned to locate the source.
Referees contribute enormously, without them the sport could not exist. Of course, they do not always get the appreciation which they deserve
Any referee in the dispute who holds a valued place on the IRFU panels, which cover all of the AIL and other centrally appointed matches, must surely face appropriate action by head office who can only be distinctly unamused at this confrontational stance; the thought of match fees being handed over would be nonsensical. The IRFU is fully loaded with referee, legal, and HR departments, who, presumably, are working hard behind the scenes. This issue has implications too for the governing body.
Even now, there must remain a glimmer of hope that people will see sense, realise things have gone quite far enough, demonstrate goodwill, and sign up anew, it is sincerely hoped that it is not too late.
History has shown that sporting disputes of this nature shred lifelong friendships, and destroy trust, both of which are the very fabric of amateur organisations. When people become so entrenched, they may well lose sight of the long-term harm which they are doing, and this - even if fixed tomorrow - will take some repairing, rebuilding is probably a better word.
Referees contribute enormously, without them the sport could not exist. Of course, they do not always get the appreciation which they deserve, but that’s always gone with the territory. The MAR needs the branch, and, of course vice-versa; but the former, as a sub-committee, reports to the latter, and nobody ever beat City Hall, although a rabble of extremists across the pond did come pretty close recently. There are surely enough wise men on all sides of the equation who know that is the situation, and who will bring this unwelcome, unbecoming, damaging saga to a rapid, democratic conclusion.
Where there’s a will there is indeed a way, but the converse of that maxim is also true.