A recruitment campaign for seasonal officers nationwide during 2021 has been launched by Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI). The positions will see successful applicants support the development and protection of Ireland’s fisheries resource during the summer period.
There are numerous roles available across six operational districts on a six month basis with contracts commencing from Monday, May 31st and training provided to all recruits. Interviews will take place on April 14th, 15th and 16th.

Locations for the new positions will be in the following districts: Eastern River Basin; South Eastern River Basin; South Western River Basin; Shannon River Basin; Western River Basin and North Western River Basin.
Closing date for applications is Monday March 22nd 2021. To find out more about the roles and how to apply, visit www.fisheriesireland.ie/careers.Francis O'Donnell, CEO of IFI, said: "I encourage all those interested in playing a critical role in helping to protect and develop Ireland's precious fisheries resource to submit an application."
Róisín Bradley, head of HR, added: “We are looking for applicants who are passionate about developing and protecting our fisheries resource, have an appreciation for the natural environment and who have excellent interpersonal skills.”
Two men fined for illegal fishing in South-East
Mr Richie Lennon of New Ross, Co Wexford was fined €300 together with €500, towards costs before Judge Carthy at Kilkenny District Court on February 23rd following a prosecution taken by Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI).
Mr Lennon pleaded guilty to illegal netting, possession/control of four salmon and refusal to give name and address of another person. The breaches occurred in July 2020 on the River Barrow, near Bauck, Co Carlow.
Following the conviction, details of a previous prosecution against Mr Lennon at Wexford District Court in 2014 when the Probation Act had been applied was identified. Judge Carthy made it clear to Mr Lennon that if he appears in court again on similar offences that she will consider a prison sentence.

On the same day in Kilkenny District Court, Mr Michael Hynes of Ballybeg, Co Waterford was fined €300 together with a €500 contribution towards costs following a prosecution taken by IFI. Mr Hynes pleaded guilty to the offences of illegal netting, possession of seven salmon and refusal to give the name and address of another person when lawfully demanded.
The breaches occurred in June 2020 on the River Nore in the townland of Clonamery, Co Kilkenny.
Lynda Connor, director of South Eastern River Basin District, said: “On the River Barrow and River Nore salmon stocks are well below their conservation limit and require protection. This type of illegal activity can have devastating effects on future stocks of salmon.”
Record 32lb brown trout landed in Montana
Robbie Dockter from Conrad in the United States caught a new Montana state record brown trout on the Marias River, a tributary of the Missouri River, last Wednesday evening.
The huge brown trout weighing 32.43lb, broke the old state record of 29lb caught on Wade Lake in 1966 by E.H. ‘Peck’ Bacon.
The record fish, which fell to a Dungeon Streamer, was verified by the Fish, Wildlife and Parks Montana Commission.