Camogie player charter to be released next week

Players played under protest until July last year due to the lack of charter dealing with issues such as expenses

Camogie Association President Hilda Breslin. Photograph: Morgan Treacy/Inpho

Camogie Association president Hilda Breslin has revealed a charter for the association’s players will be released next week.

Last season, camogie players and female Gaelic footballers highlighted the lack of a charter by taking a stance of playing under protest – which only ended in July when agreement was reached on a framework to deliver one in 2024.

A central vexation for players was on the issue of expenses, and that is to be addressed in the charter.

“There is movement on the player charter, we will release it next week,” said Breslin.


“Our counties are aware of it, the GPA is aware of it and our players are aware of it. That, to me, will be brilliant next week. It will be the first time that there will be required elements of it, and that charter will signify where we’re going as an association, as we move towards one association.

“I’m only speaking on camogie, but ladies football, equally, have a charter ready to go.

“[It’s a] huge breakthrough, when you think where we have all come from, we are an amateur game. I think the players just wanted recognition of the expense, we all understand that, we are all realistic, this is the first step in moving forward.”

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Gordon Manning

Gordon Manning

Gordon Manning is a sports journalist, specialising in Gaelic games, with The Irish Times