Are cheaper energy prices finally on the way for Irish consumers?

Plus, a US court rules Google’s app store to be uncompetitive

Listen | 33:32
SSE Airtricity have announced a further 12.8 per cent price decrease for customers in the Republic of Ireland, having reduced their prices by 12% in November. Photograph: Alamy/PA.

Energy provider SSE Airtricity is set to cut its prices for the second time in recent months. Conor Pope joins host Ciarán Hancock to discuss whether this move from one of Ireland’s four main energy companies will spark a price war given the high prices Irish consumers are forking out for gas and electricity.

And it was an Epic loss for Google on Monday as a US court ruled their app store to be uncompetitive. Fortnite maker Epic Games brought the case having been unhappy with the current arrangement where developers lose up to 30 per cent of revenue generated through the tech giant’s app store.

Ciara O’Brien explains the court’s decision, what Epic want, and the potential ramifications of a verdict that could blow apart the app store model that is worth almost $200 billion (€185 billion) a year.

Produced by John Casey. JJ Vernon on sound.