Gubu, episode three: The Taoiseach and the murderer

Who was Malcom Macarthur and what was his connection to Taoiseach Charles Haughey?

Listen | 51:49
Charles Haughey, whose remarks would lead to the coining of the word ‘gubu’. Photograph: Peter Thursfield

Who was Malcom Macarthur and what was his connection to Charles J Haughey, taoiseach of Ireland? How did Macarthur befriend Patrick Connolly, Ireland’s top law officer? To understand the story, we need to understand the politics of 1980s Ireland. This is episode three of a seven-part series. Episodes one and two are available here.

Gubu is researched, reported and narrated by Harry McGee and edited by Enda O’Dowd. Sound mix by JJ Vernon. Title music by Orakhal. Graphics by Paul Scott.