What’s in a name?

Sir, – Fintan O'Toole puts perspective on the argument about cis privilege and unnecessary naming of people according to their racial or religious grouping ("I am a cis man with cis privilege", News Review, May 4th).

He sees the issue as a question of good manners and context rather than offence.

I note, however, that he does not like to be called a white man. I am reminded of my years in Kenya where I was happy to be a “mzungu” – an often affectionate Swahili term for a white person, which I rarely heard used offensively. In the 1970s another nice category emerged embracing both white and black people – the Wabenzi – people who owned a Mercedes Benz.

Unfortunately I was not one of them. – Yours, etc,



Dunmore East,

Co Waterford.