We need effective MEPs now more than ever

Sir, – Later this year, Ireland will choose who we want representing our interests in the European Parliament for the next five years. In the past, aspiring TDs have travelled weekly to Brussels in an attempt to build a decent profile for themselves. We don’t always nurture MEPs that are ambitious internationalists, with a sharp grasp of European public policy and a natural ability to work with people of different cultural perspectives for the benefit of Ireland.

That needs to change.

Brexit continues to demonstrate just how integral the EU is to our daily lives. From how we trade to how we communicate online, EU rules and regulations govern supreme.

Over the next five years, the term of aspiring Irish MEPs, key decisions will be made on the future trading relationship with the UK, social mobility, the hefty EU budget, steps to complete the energy union and new mechanisms for the sales of goods EU-wide. That’s before we consider the great global challenges the EU is facing such as migration, climate change, and an aggressive eastern neighbour.


Parties choosing who to stand next year ought to select their best and their brightest. Those committed to spending multiple terms fighting not just for our interests, but for a market that supports everyone and leaves no one behind. Let Brexit be a red line and let’s see the real value in our European seats.

Brussels ranks high-profile MEPs well, and Ireland should play to win. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 8.