Trump’s trip to Ireland

Sir, – Many commentators have interpreted a section of the Mueller report as evidence that Donald Trump never expected to win the US presidential election; that his entry into the race was nothing more than an attempt to bolster his Trump brand. That has the ring of truth about it, given his previous history.

More recently, the Trump organisation made it clear it would object strongly and legally if a prominent Irish fast-food chain used the Trump name for any of its developments, when it had already been successful in using the name of a previous US president, Barack Obama, for a similar purpose. Therefore it seems that Trump himself sees his name as a logo.

It would be wildly inappropriate for our Taoiseach to give his support to such branding. It is right that Leo Varadkar should meet US President Trump, but it is also essential that he declines any invitation that would merely be for the purposes of strengthening an already notorious corporate identity.

This means the Trump International Golf Links and Hotel at Doonbeg is ruled out as the venue for such a meeting, especially while Trump remains as US president. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 14.

Sir, – Carole Molloy (Letters, May 17th), in reflecting on whether to protest at Mr Trump’s visit, urges us not to embarrass ourselves. In light of Mr Trump’s divisive record on human rights, disruptive trade tactics, reckless approach to climate change and war mongering in the Middle East, not protesting would be embarrassing. – Yours, etc,


Blackrock, Cork.

Sir, – In response to Carole Molloy (May 17th): I have the utmost deference and respect for the office of the President of the United States of America. If and when the incumbent shows the same deference and respect for the office I might change my opinion of him and welcome him to our country. – Yours, etc,


Dún Laoghaire Co. Dublin.

Sir, – Why not take Sam Goldwyn’s advice for dealing with a critic, “Don’t even ignore him”? – Yours, etc,


Blessington, Co Wicklow.