Travel is no holiday

Sir, – I jealously read The Irish Times article about other people's Covid-free holidays ("Irish people on their holidays abroad in 2021", August 30th). I am writing from isolation in Belgium to let you know it's not always that way.

Monday two weeks ago, we landed in Brussels International Airport. We waited two hours in a crowded corridor for passport control. There was no distancing and a lot of chin-masks. The contrast with Ireland’s careful pandemic management was stark.

That Friday, my pregnant wife tested positive for Covid, despite being vaccinated. Last Tuesday, I tested positive too. Yesterday, our kids and their Belgian cousins also started to test positive. At least no one is seriously sick so far.

But now we’re stuck in Belgium. As non-residents, we have to go to the airport every time we need a PCR test. We’ll miss work. Kids and cousins will miss the start of school.


We will have to cajole certificates of recovery from the Belgian health authorities, and new flights from Aer Lingus. This is not the getaway we had planned. – Yours, etc,



Massachusetts, US.