Time to get moving

Sir, – Less than 14 per cent of Irish children meet the national physical activity guidelines of moderate to vigorous activity of at least 60 minutes a day. Less than half of adults meet national physical activity guidelines of 30 minutes of physical activity five times per week.

Physical inactivity contributes substantially to the burden of disease – for heart disease, diabetes, cancer, dementia, and mental health. In children, it is associated with poor self-esteem, anxiety and increased use of smoking, alcohol, and drugs.

Active travel to school has been endorsed by leading public health organisations as a highly effective way to increase physical activity but to be effective it must be part of a package of policy measures that address the needs of all road users. These include good walking and cycling infrastructure, good links with public transport, and policies that improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists.

With the prospect of soaring prices for petrol and diesel due to the burgeoning crisis in Russia and Ukraine, along with a critical window over the next eight years to cut carbon emissions by half, now is the time to be transform active travel policy at population level. The prize is significant reduction of carbon emissions, and enhanced physical and mental wellbeing. – Yours, etc,



