Time to declutter street signage

Sir, – The excessive signage and poles that we can see all over the city and particularly on the roads and streets between the Dodder and Royal Canal are an eyesore.

Dublin City Council certainly needs a dedicated official to address this unsightly visual clutter.

Last week, I happened to be travelling out from the city centre toward the M50, taking a route through Rathmines, Rathgar, Terenure and Templeogue, and saw again the proliferation of signage and poles of every description along these roads, and indeed some signage -poles with no sign.

Apart from being unsightly, this visual clutter must become invisible to the vehicle driver as a result of its ubiquity.


I was in Belfast recently and was greatly impressed at the lack of visual clutter. There they seem to be able to direct traffic with minimal yet carefully located signage to ensure drivers know where they are heading; they also utilise the existing lamp-poles for small parking signs, which are so much less intrusive than our practice of poles on the footpath with parking and bus-lane signage every 50 to 100 metres.

I am sure a visit to Belfast by the Dublin City Council traffic officials would bring home the contrast with Dublin. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 6.