Time for some real decentralisation

Sir, – The unavailability of suitable housing in Dublin is also a huge challenge for those in employment and sees them unable to find homes in the areas they would like to live in at an affordable price or at all.

They must carry the burden of heavy rents and mortgages and make lengthy commutes on top of long working days. Also their young children are spending 12-plus hours a day in creche.

Many would prefer to live in and raise their families in the communities of their childhoods but if they want to work, they must come to Dublin.

This concentration of skilled jobs in Dublin is putting impossible pressure on its infrastructure, including housing.


How many of the homeless in Dublin have been offered housing outside Dublin?

And when will the Government start to make real progress in securing the disbursement of skilled jobs throughout the country?

There is life outside the Pale. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 18.