The reality of rail travel

Sir, – I refer to Ciaran McCullagh's unfortunate return trip from Cork to Dublin (Letters, May 24th). I make this trip at least once a month and have found it a very regular and efficient service. Although I have encountered the issues he referred to from time to time, he seems singularly unfortunate to have encountered all these difficulties at once. I suggest that he repeats the experiment before committing forever to the lengthy and tedious car journey from Cork to Dublin and back. – Yours, etc,



A chara, – Last weekend, I travelled from Dublin to Carrick-on-Shannon and back by train. Everything was exactly on time, staff were friendly and helpful, there was space to bring my bicycle, and while on the train I enjoyed looking out the window, reading a book, drinking a coffee, and daydreaming. The round trip of approximately 275km cost a total of €27.50. While I don’t doubt that some people occasionally have negative experiences of public transport, could we please also acknowledge the thousands of uneventful, pleasant, and efficient journeys that happen every day by rail, bus or tram, enabling people to travel car-free for work or leisure? – Is mise,



Dublin 12.