The judiciary and the Oireachtas

Sir,– Can I suggest an enhancement to the current “process” for making senior judicial appointments?

Let’s begin by applying a single criterion. Can this person be expected to exercise good judgment? – Yours, etc,




Dublin 6W.

Sir, – Is there a better illustration of the new symbiotic Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael relationship than the Minister for Justice only needing to look into her heart to know what is best for the nation? – Yours, etc,


Dublin 9.

Sir , Following two weeks of Alan Kelly TD ranting about the appointment of Seamus Woulfe to the Supreme Court, Minister for Justice Helen McEntee stood up in the Dáil and – surprise, surprise – restated what she has repeatedly and previously told anyone interested in the subject.

This concentration by Mr Kelly on matters of little interest to the voters goes some way in explaining why the once significant parliamentary Labour party has, slice by slice, been reduced to a size that can now be comfortably accommodated in a medium-sized car.

Both Mr Kelly and his little-known colleagues in Labour need to get their act together before they disappear altogether, – Yours, etc,



Co Kildare.

Sir, – I watched a pantomime from my kitchen while cooking the Christmas pudding as I tuned in to the Oireachtas. Our selection box for 2020 was completed – Votegate, Golfgate, RTÉgate and Woulfegate. One by one the institutions we took for granted have shown cracks against a backdrop of Covid-19, and Brexit. Unfortunately, it’s real. Most of us have no connection with the judiciary or judicial appointments, but we now know too much for comfort.

Neither is it reassuring that on the airways we are treated to the ever-present Leo Varadkar securing pride of place ahead of Government on all topics as he does a good impression of an essential ingredient, no matter what the dish of the day.

Something has to give. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.