The Greens and climate action

Sir, – Isn’t it time for younger members of the Green Party to realise the opportunity they have to influence change in the post-Covid era? The increased awareness of the value of community solidarity, a shared vision, and the value of what’s really important in life should enable us to embrace some difficult choices to limit the damage we’ve already done to the environment. Consumerism can be reduced as we find there is a lot we can do without.

The Greens should join in government. Whether or not we like Fianna Fáil or Fine Gael, they have shown steady leadership in this crisis, and we have seen how competent our pubic servants can be.

We may be ready to move forward on key issues of central value in safeguarding our future and be willing to accept difficult measures .

Someone once said that “the opportunity of a lifetime must be seized in the lifetime of the opportunity”.


Contact your local Green Party public representatives to remind them that time is short. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 4 .