Solidarity across the generations

Sir, – Stephen Donelan ("Young, anxious and resilient", Letters, April 22nd) explains the difficulties of being part of today's young generation but concludes "our generation will overcome our current stress".

As a cocooned, anxious and resilient 80-year-old, I would like to commend Stephen for his attitude and tell him he and his generation will indeed overcome the crisis.

One of the many benefits of being old is that our generation has seen, and survived, many, many crises in the past and we have learned that however distressing things were at the time, including for some the tragic loss of family and friends, life does indeed go on. Experience has taught us that life can be very hard at times and all we can do is learn from each experience, “overcome our current stress” and move on to make the best of whatever the future brings.

I wish Stephen’s generation every success. –Yours, etc,





Co Mayo.