Forming a government

Sir, – It will soon be three months since the election and the slow bicycle race continues on its merry way.

As if that were not bad enough, the recent comment by the Tánaiste (News, April 21st) that there may not be a new government until mid-June defies belief! – Yours, etc,




Co Wicklow.

Sir, – After the recent election, the present political situation seems to indicate that we are not going to have a stable government any time soon, if at all.

Given the damage that is being done to the economy of this country by the coronavirus pandemic and it is easy to appreciate the lack of enthusiasm of many political parties to take part in government.

Future government decisions will be at least as difficult as the government decisions in the post-Celtic Tiger collapse.

Neither the media nor the electorate have been very kind to the politicians who dealt with the post-Celtic Tiger collapse and it is expected that they will not be too kind to the politicians who will deal with the consequences of the coronavirus.

Given the difficulty in forming a government, and the very much changed circumstances, the only solution is, therefore, to hold another election when the coronavirus crisis calms down. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 13.

Sir, – What’s the rush? It’s not as if we’re in the midst of a global crisis. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 8.