Reporting in the rain

Sir, – Can anyone provide a rational explanation as to why a reporter should stand under an umbrella in the rain to report on anything other than the weather?

I have noticed this with amusement for years and the only occasions where it seemed appropriate included Teresa Mannion’s famous report on a storm from Galway. The context made sense.

This phenomenon occurs on all channels. I noted on Sunday last that a BBC political reporter stood under an umbrella while the rain poured down.

On RTÉ this week, a reporter stood outside the Dáil in the cold, suffering the consequences with a red nose. Maybe that was for Christmas.


Then another reporter appeared from Dublin Airport under an umbrella to report on travellers coming home.

Recently, a BBC reporter had his umbrella blown inside out as he stood outside Downing Street.

Maybe the programme producers would apply some common sense and let reporters do their work inside when content does not require climate context. – Yours, etc,


