National spring clean

Sir, – I too clear up the local roadside rubbish during the month of April, and the other 11 months of the year (Michael Leahy, April 7th).

And yes, it is a depressing sight to see how quickly the litter reaccumulates. But should Ireland subscribe to the notion of a refundable deposit on drink cans and plastic bottles, as suggested earlier this week in your newspaper, then I, and other civic-minded people, could become quite rich.

Sadly there will be no refund on the dirty nappies often thrown out of car windows – a practice I have never understood, as changing a baby in a moving car must be unnecessarily difficult, especially if you are the driver! – Yours, etc,



Ballynonty, Co Tipperary.

Sir, – This Cabinet could do with a spring clean. Over to you, Leo. – Yours, etc,



Co Wicklow.