Murder of Jo Cox MP

Sir, – I am saddened and angered at the cruel and untimely death of Jo Cox ("'Unite against hatred', says husband of murdered MP Jo Cox", June 17th). She was a truly remarkable woman. She entered politics for all of the right reasons and was someone who sincerely cared.

Her outlook was that of an internationalist and in her 13 months spent in Westminster she made more of an impact than most. Her husband’s words of “fighting against the hatred that killed her” are a poignant tribute to the life of someone who was committed to creating a fairer and more just society for all.

In this increasingly complicated world we now live in, Jo Cox was a beacon of light whose compassion we should all aspire to emulate. She cared deeply about Syrian refugees and understood the pain of those who suffer throughout the world.

Anyone who values democracy and the rule of law will mourn her death. May her legacy live on and may she rest in peace. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 13.

Sir, – Jo Cox will be remembered as a principled, passionate woman. Hateful language did not feature in her political discourse – just compassion, kindness and empathy.

Our right to free speech, democracy and political expression is precious. But in exercising that right, we must also be responsible for the feelings and emotions that our words can evoke, especially when those feelings are anger and hate.

Jo Cox was in politics to try to make the world a better place. Her words, and her values, will live on. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.