Making the most of disused railway lines

Sir, – I read with interest An Irishman's Diary (Glen Murphy, April 16th) and congratulate all involved with the Stradbally project.

There is a proposal being put forward for the disused Rosslare to Waterford line to be torn up and made into a greenway for cyclists and walkers.

Take a look at all the preserved railways in England which provide great outings for everyone, whether they be rail enthusiasts or not.

I agree that a lot of the work is done by volunteers and entails much fund-raising. But most of these preserved lines survive and prosper from the public availing of the opportunity to travel by rail, whether it be by steam or diesel.


When travelling on the Railway Preservation Society of Ireland outings, one will meet many overseas visitors who came to Ireland for the experience.

If Irish Rail and the Government got together and donated the funding to restore the line I have mentioned, I do believe that there would be no shortage of people, young and old, willing to help run and maintain a service at holiday times and weekends.

It could run from Rosslare Strand to Wellingtonbridge and would not interfere with the Irish Rail network. – Yours, etc,



Co Wexford.