Irish Identity And The EU

Sir, - The news that the Government has become "Euro sceptic" is startling, when one considers that Europe has been the saviour…

Sir, - The news that the Government has become "Euro sceptic" is startling, when one considers that Europe has been the saviour of the Irish economy. Without Europe the Celtic tiger would never have roared, because, contrary to the beliefs of Art O Laoghaire (September 20th) it was not the policy of self-sufficiency and separatism that led to the present boom. The Ireland which had isolated itself from the 1920s to the 1950s produced only emigration, frustration and disillusionment.

Incredibly, after just a few years of relative prosperity, the old, discredited, neo-nationalist ideas are taking hold once more, and politicians are saying we must "resist pressure from Brussels for tax-harmonisation and avoid importing job-destroying policies from Europe" (Ms De Velara, The Irish Times, September 20th). Such a statement from a Government Minister almost beggars belief, when we consider that there would be few jobs without the connection with Europe!

The ideas expressed by Ms de Valera, Ms Harney and Mr Ahern in recent days are at variance with everything that has been achieved in recent times, and they must be causing great confusion in their own parties. While conceding that Brussels can often cause difficulties through unnecessary bureaucracy, this is a small price to pay for full employment and an end to emigration, to name but two substantial benefits. The Irish people are just becoming accustomed to the new era, and it is no credit to these politicians to shake their confidence in it.

No poor, under-developed country can survive for very long in isolation, and Ireland learned this the hard way; yet incredibly, it also wants to close the door on other small countries in Eastern Europe. This is tantamount to refusing to help the poor by creating the conditions that will feed the hungry. No amount of posturing on the part of politicians can conceal it, or the fact that Ireland itself has swallowed up many billions of pounds in the form of European aid in recent times.


How can it be argued that such ideas represent progress? - Yours, etc.,

Sean Kearney, Glantane Drive, Belfast 15.