Gender quotas for boards of sports organisations

Sir, – What a load of codswallop. The proposal by Minister of State for Sport Patrick O’Donovan that 30 per cent of senior positions in Irish sporting organisations must be held by women within the next few years is poorly thought out.

First, he talks about fairness and equality, but then plucks that 30 per cent figure out of the air. The number of women participating in and involved in the administration of the various sports differs greatly. Rather than a random figure of 30 per cent, the number of women in senior positions should be proportionate to their numbers in a particular sport.

Second, and more importantly, the Minister and his colleagues should perhaps put their own house in order before meddling in the affairs of sporting organisations. The population of Ireland is 50.1 per cent female, yet only 22 per cent of TDs are women.

I would take Mr O’Donovan’s proposal seriously if he achieved fairness and equality in Dáil Éireann and led the sporting organisations by example, rather than indulging in publicity stunts. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 6W.

Sir, – The recent trend of applying gender quota rules for the boards of various bodies, especially sporting bodies, prompts the question whether other groups should be represented on boards that receive State funding. Should there be at least one woman, one gay person, one older person, one immigrant, one non-white person, one unemployed person, one young person and one person with special needs on every committee?

And why restrict it to State-funded boards only? Why not introduce legislation to force all committees to be inclusive?

And what about the ultimate State-funded board, the Dáil? Shouldn’t it lead by example? – Yours, etc,



Co Waterford.