Eimear McBride in the West Bank

Sir, – Having read Eimear McBride's compelling but horrifying article about Israel's appalling treatment of the Palestinian inhabitants of the West Bank ("All that is human in me recoils from this", News Review, April 15th), I have a question. What are Ireland and the rest of Europe doing by way of censuring Israel for its inhumanity to fellow human beings? Trade sanctions come to mind. I personally have vowed not to buy fruit, vegetables or other products from Israel. – Yours, etc,


Sutton, Dublin 13.

Sir,– Thank you for publishing Eimear McBride’s deeply moving account of her visit to the West Bank. At a time when the Israeli government is trying to conflate criticism of the state of Israel with anti-Semitism, it is vital that public figures continue to bear witness to the reality of the brutal occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people. – Yours, etc,




Co Donegal.

Sir, – I would like to congratulate your newspaper for publishing Eimear McBride’s article regarding conditions in Palestine. No doubt your paper will receive an avalanche of criticism from those who feel that any criticism of Israeli policies is tantamount to anti-Semitism, but that is an indefensible view and is now widely refuted. Please count me with the humanitarian voices offering commendation. The conditions in Palestine and the sufferings of its people amount to a human rights nightmare. – Yours, etc,


