Drug users in Dublin

Sir, – Kitty Holland's report (News, July 26th) on drug dereliction around our city is right to quote "It's Disgusting" in the banner headline.

In the street corner block on Merchant’s Quay/Winetavern Street in Dublin, the local population was served with a scout hall, church and St Anthony’s Concert Hall, all of which are now surrendered to the Merchant Quay Ireland (MQI) project.

The long-standing local community, formerly served by the aforementioned facilities, plus its now suffering school, is left to deal with the daily disgusting reality of an influx of drug users. The drug users have no thought for the community or the city’s citizens.

MQI believes that the honeypot of an injection centre at this location will be a panacea to the tented squalor which Holland so clearly exposed in her article. Dublin City Council has the right to manage our city beyond the sensitivities of bodies such as MQI. Also, I believe Dublin Fire Brigade personnel (although trained paramedics) are being misused in this social fiasco. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 15.