Sir, - With reference to Kate McMorrow's fine article on Bray (Property, June 1st), with a beautiful picture of Bray Head, I would like to clarify a point regarding the proposed civic centre proposed for Emmet Park and adjoining lands in the centre of Bray.
Following a Bord Pleanala oral hearing on August 23rd-25th last year, the housing element of the civic centre development was turned down by the board. It is therefore particularly annoying to read over and over again in the newspapers how this development is to include residential units. Whether these apartment blocks are called euphemistically "luxury houses" or "residential units", their inclusion in this development would be a flagrant disregard of An Bord Pleanala's ruling (ref. PL 39.110313).
It is a pity that the Emmet Park field which has served the GAA so well for over 70 years cannot be preserved for future generations of young people in Bray. Indeed, hundreds of local school children in the area use this field as much as, if not more than, the GAA club. - Yours, etc.,
Mareta Michael, Bray, Co Wicklow.