Covid numbers and non-vacinated

Sir, – The daily issuing of the number of those “detected” for Covid does nothing to encourage vaccine compliance and is just fuel for the misguided antivax warriors.

Even knowing the numbers in hospital, and in particular the numbers in ICU, offers little to the equation if we are not also being told how many of these individuals are vaccinated – or not – and the proportion of each group who are among the unfortunate “compromised” due to age and health-related factors.

Every day we are hearing stories of “my friend got Covid and he had been vaccinated so why would I bother”.

Vaccines are not perfect (which has never been claimed) but they are clearly the best option to protect against the serious effects of Covid-19 and to allow society to move on from the madness of the past year.


– Yours, etc,


Medical Director,

Tropical Medical Bureau,

Dublin 2.