Brexit – finding a way forward

Sir, – The folly of Sinn Féin’s abstention from Westminster was once again brought into sharp focus when, within the last week, a number of key votes were lost by narrow margins, particularly the amendment tabled by respected Labour MP Hilary Benn. His amendment was defeated by two votes. Had it been passed, it would have enabled the British parliament rather than the British government to take control of parliamentary business and the Brexit process. Such a step would have been better in protecting the interest of both parts of Ireland as we reach the endgame of this process.

It is likely that there will be a series of further key votes. If Sinn Féin continues with its abstentionist policy, and key decisions which would have been beneficial to Irish interests, north and south, are defeated by less than seven votes, then history can only conclude that together with the DUP they have both betrayed the long-term interests of this island. – Yours, etc,


(Former Fine Gael MEP


and former leader of the

Alliance party)

Lisnagry, Co Limerick.

Sir,– The British people do not need a second vote on Brexit. Assuming that the other 27 EU member states agree to an extension of article 50 to June 30th or later, the European elections will become a de facto referendum on leaving the union.

Expect an unprecedented dogfight that may eventually lead to the dissolution of the United Kingdom.

The irony may be lost on trenchant unionists in both Northern Ireland and Scotland. – Yours, etc,


Coolballow, Co Wexford.

Sir, – With a population of over 1.3 billion, many of whom speak English, India may present itself as an ideal partner for the large nearby island which comes between Ireland and the mainland.

Indeed, in the past our neighbours were most enthusiastic about such a union.

I expect they would cope very well as a regional assembly in India’s democracy. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 12.

Sir, – In the wake of Brexit should we contemplate the prospect of Sloveniout, Grexit , Italeave, Departugal and Czechout – with Remania and Austriin among the few survivors? – Yours, etc,




Co Galway.

Sir, – The situation in which the British parliamentarians now find themselves is similar to that of the unfortunate centipede: The centipede was happy – thus! until the toad in fun said “Pray, which leg comes after which ?” and worked her mind to such a pitch she lay distracted in the ditch considering how to run. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 13.

Sir, – If the Brexit debacles continue in Westminster ad nauseam, I think that RTÉ’s esteemed London correspondent Fiona Mitchell ought to be able to claim squatter’s rights on the patch she occupies every day for her broadcasts located in front of the Houses of Parliament. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 7.

Sir, – In relation to the above the whole saga is akin to a soap opera!

You do not even require a TV listing as it seems to be on a continuous loop, with future episodes guaranteed. – Yours, etc,



Co Wicklow.