Brexit and the cold light of day

Sir, – Fintan O'Toole ("Brexiteers are Britain's biggest Marxists", Opinion & Analysis, February 27th) scoffs at the idea that German industry, in the shape of Frau Mercedes and Herr Audi, would prioritise trade with Britain above the sanctity of the single market.

Yet this is just what is happening.

Three former presidents of the Federation of German Industries (the equivalent of the British CBI), Hans-Olaf Henkel, Klaus-Michael Kühne, Michael Rogowski and Heinrich Weiss, are currently campaigning for a “New Deal for Britain and the EU” to allow Britain more autonomy, particularly in the area of immigration.

More than ever, the industrialists note “the EU needs the pragmatic British voice”. – Yours, etc,




Sir, – Westminster MPs are entitled to ignore the lessons of two World Wars when making decisions on the future of the UK.

If, however, they make decisions which cause major problems for Ireland and Anglo- Irish relations, in ignorance of the history and current realities of Ireland, and with relations with UK being so good since the visit of Queen Elizabeth in 2011, the standing of UK in the world would plummet. – Yours, etc,



Sir, – For years some people in Northern Ireland have had the feeling that Britain wanted to see the back of us. Now we find out the European Union wants us, and so does Theresa May.

It’s great to feel loved on a cold winter’s day. – Yours, etc,



Co Down.