Brexit and British attitudes to Ireland

Sir, – The decision of the British think tank Policy Exchange decision to publish a report suggesting it would be in Ireland’s best interests to follow the UK out of the EU illustrates the core problem in the UK’s approach to Brexit. It demonstrates the British superiority complex, which evokes resentment among the Irish and other Europeans. It is patronising and dismisses Ireland’s very different reasons for having joined the EU in the first place; we were dirt poor in 1973. And although the wealth may not be evenly distributed, we are now one of the richest countries, on a per capita basis, in the world.

It is time the UK stopped laying claims to Ireland and accepted our independence. Only then can the two islands have a balanced and sophisticated relationship. In any case, Irexit would only reinforce the UK’s view that it determines the fate of this country. But, as recent events have shown, the UK establishment is barely able to manage its own future. – Yours, etc,




Co Wicklow.