Arrivals at the crib

Sir, – I see Brendan Butler is on form (Letters, December 19th), taking down a Bishop of Cashel and a Pope Emeritus with both barrels, while relocating Bethlehem's tourist industry to Nazareth.

To really show the crib’s intent, as Brendan has it, to portray Jesus as the Messiah, the new David and the new Moses, why have our churches never introduced a wolf to live with the lamb, a leopard to lie down with the young kid, and a calf companion for the young lion?

The Prophet Isaiah would appreciate the reference and Tom Duffy’s Circus would be glad of the business over the Christmas. – Yours, etc,



London, England.

Sir, – A correspondent states that there is no better place for a "crib" at Christmas than The Irish Times Letters page (December 20th). I wonder if he has spotted any wise men yet? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 9.