Problems with first-past-the-post elections

Sir, – Many criticise the British electoral system – and quite rightly too (Letters, December 17th). True, if a system of proportional representation had been used, the result would have been different.

But the same logic applies to decision-making, on which all too few choose to comment. If however, the Brexit referendum had been a multi-option vote (as I suggested in 2016) – a three-option ballot between “The EU?” “The EEA?” or “The WTO?” – then “remain” would probably have won, and by a landslide!

Sadly, for the House of Commons, the Dáil, Britain’s Electoral Commission and others, decisions in parliaments or referendums are to be taken by (simple or weighted) majority votes, and consideration of other more accurate multi-optional methodologies is rarely if ever given. – Yours, etc,




The de Borda Institute,
