Applying the Burren model

Sir, – Your recent editorial (June 12th) rightly paid tribute to the Burren Farming for Conservation programme and the accolades it has been accorded. Irish agriculture has a real opportunity to rise to the challenge you pose and see the principles of the Burren applied much more widely.

To do this, the output approach advocated in high nature-value farming projects promoted by the European Forum for Nature Conservation and Pastoralism and championed in Ireland by the Heritage Council, Sligo Institute of Technology, and others, must be a central part in the next round of negotiations on the Common Agricultural Policy. The models, the science and the measures are ready and primed.

The evidence is documented, and there are about 12 months left to get this right.

We need a few more champions like Michael Davoren and Brendan Dunford to make the policy-makers take real note this time around. – Yours, etc,



Chief Executive,

The Heritage Council,

Church Lane,
