All State pensions are not equal

Sir, – So the Department of Finance says that age-related costs to the State, which has an ageing population, are a matter of growing concern. Fair enough. Suggested remedies are raising the State pension age from 65 up to 68 or 69 or even 70!

Whereas I would have strong reservations about the above, I accept the principle of the department being ever-alert to costs to the State and the necessity of taking remedial action.

Why then turn a blind eye to the fact that a privileged group, members of the Oireachtas, can determine their own salaries, expenses, pensions, etc, all of which are costs to the State, without any outside control?

Not on the same scale as the ageing population problem but surely, on principle, a small independent body should be set up to control these costs, subject to regulation by the Central Bank of Ireland?


– Yours, etc,


Bishopstown, Co Cork.