Subscriber OnlyLetters

The pro-Israeli lobby in the US

A broad constituency

Letters to the Editor. Illustration: Paul Scott
The Irish Times - Letters to the Editor.

Sir, – Diarmaid Ferriter does what many Irish academics do when he insists on interpreting events elsewhere through the distorting prism of Irish history (“Instead of gushing over Joe Biden, Simon Harris should denounce US funding of Israel”, Opinion & Analysis, September 27th).

The fact that Ireland relies on an Irish diaspora in its diplomatic relations with the US does not mean that Israel has to do the same. The strength of the pro-Israeli lobby in the US is precisely the fact that it draws upon the support of far more than the Jewish or Israeli diaspora. It draws on the support of huge numbers of Christians, including members of the Irish diaspora. – Yours, etc,


Department of Classics,


University College Cork.