Subscriber OnlyLetters

‘Tolls are a bridge too far’

North and South

Letters to the Editor. Illustration: Paul Scott

Sir, – Newton Emerson seems to suggest that motorists in the Republic are insouciant when it comes to dishing out their tolls (“Northerners envy Republic’s motorways – but tolls are a bridge too far”, Opinion & Analysis, June 27th). There is increasing evidence that commuters are avoiding this hidden tax by evading the toll booths and taking the long way around to avoid them by using county roads. Who can blame them when workers can save us to €2,000 a year for private cars and up to €4,000 or more for goods vehicles? Not alone is this a never-ending burden on motorists, but the Government and taxpayers have underwritten guaranteed minimum-income thresholds into the future for the motorway developers and had to stump up millions in lost revenue during Covid. Northerners might be the wise ones here and proceed with caution. – Yours, etc,



Co Galway.