With apologies to Frank McNally, and for the season that’s in it…
Fianna Fáil and friends
1. The Republican Party
2. A slightly constitutional party
3. Take it down from the mast, Irish traitors.
Government’s speaking-rights stroke is hardly an existential threat to democracy
Micheál Martin is still the adult in the room, but now with added barbs and an air of impatience
So the North still says no. But for how much longer?
It normally takes a government a bit longer than this to look so out of touch
4. An empty formula
5. A land whose countryside would be bright with cosy homesteads, whose fields and villages would be joyous with the sounds of industry, with the romping of sturdy children, the contest of athletic youths and the laughter of happy maidens, whose firesides would be forums for the wisdom of serene old age.
6. Let Lemass lead on
7. The men in the mohair suits
8. Would you like a pint or a transfer?
9. This great little country
10. The Boss
11. As a community, we are living way beyond our means.
12. Le Coq Hardi
13. Grotesque, unprecedented, bizarre, unbelievable
14. Dessie can do it
15. When in doubt, leave them out.
16. A temporary little arrangement
17. On mature recollection
18. How’s the hard-workin’ man?
19. A lot done, more to do.
20. Single-party government? No thanks!
21. When I have it, I spend it.
22. We all partied.
23. We have turned the corner.
24. We are fully funded until next summer.
25. There are no discussions with the IMF.
26. The Government has decided to seek a programme of assistance from the IMF.
27. We got things wrong and we are sorry.
28. Confidence and supply
29. All three parties in this new Government believe that climate change is a defining challenge not just of this generation but of human history.
30. A meaningful Christmas
31. The alpha variant
32. A substantial meal
33. Omicron
34. As we look forward to this spring, we need to see each other again, we need to see each other smile, we need to sing again.
35. The big switcheroo
Fine Gael
36. The Big Fella
37. The freedom to achieve freedom
38. Eight young men in City Hall standing amidst the ruins of one administration, with the foundations of another not yet laid, with wild men screaming through the keyhole
39. A shilling off the old-age pension
40. The Blueshirts
41. The First Inter Party Government
42. The Second Inter Party Government
43. The Just Society
44. Garret the Good
45. The Tallaght Strategy
46. The Rainbow Government
47. The f**king Peace Process
48. Paddy likes to know
49. The man with two pints in his hand
50. Let’s keep the recovery going
51. The people who get up early in the morning
52. Get Brexit ready
53. Dear Kylie, just wanted to drop you a note in advance of the concert in Dublin. I am really looking forward to it. I am a huge fan.
54. Prudent Paschal
55. Leo the Leak
56. The cause of labour is the cause of Ireland; the cause of Ireland is the cause of labour.
57. Labour must wait.
58. The seventies will be socialist.
59. The socialists are seventy.
60. I was elected by the women of Ireland, who instead of rocking the cradle, rocked the system.
61. The Spring Tide
62. The Gilmore Gale
63. Labour’s way or Frankfurt’s way
64. Power is a drug... It suits me.
65. I was advised by my parliamentary colleagues that they had lost collective confidence in my leadership. This was a surprise to me, but I accepted the decision immediately.
66. The Bacik Bounce
67. There’s no desire within the Social Democrats for a merger.
Sinn Féin
68. Ireland was a nation when England was a pup.
69. Sinn Féin, Ourselves Alone
70. England’s difficulty is Ireland’s opportunity.
71. Anti-Treaty Sinn Féin
72 Pro-Treaty Sinn Féin
73. Provisional Sinn Féin
74. Official Sinn Féin
75. The first thing on the agenda is the split.
76. Republican Sinn Féin
77. Sinn Féin the Workers Party
78. The Workers Party
79. Democratic Left
80. Section 31
81. Will anyone here object if, with a ballot paper in this hand and an Armalite in the other, we take power in Ireland?
82. The Peace Process
83. When hope and history rhyme
84. P O’Neill
85. I was never in the IRA.
86. I believe Gerry when he says he was never in the IRA.
87. They haven’t gone away you know.
88. The IRA has gone away.
89. Well hello Mary Lou
90. And rightly so
91. Bigi linn
92. An Ireland of equals
93. Former Sinn Féin councillor Jonathan Dowdall
Greens, Independents, others
94. Reuse, recycle, reduce
95. A deal with the devil
96. You don’t need a car to live in rural Ireland.
97. We’ll have our salads ready to go.
98. The Climate Action Plan
99. The Revised Climate Plan
100. Turf cutting is more important to the people of rural Ireland than wine. Wine is an elite drink.
101. God above is in charge of the weather and we here can’t do anything about it.