Value of Irish retail sales up nearly 15%

The value of Irish retail sales rose by nearly 15 per cent in November 2000 according to figures released today by the Central…

The value of Irish retail sales rose by nearly 15 per cent in November 2000 according to figures released today by the Central Statistics Office (CSO).

The provisional figures indicate the volume of retail sales (excluding price effects) increased by 9.7 in November 2000, compared with the same period in 1999.

However, according to the CSO, the volume of retail sales slowed in by 0.2 per cent in November 2000 compared with the previous month. This has left an annual growth rate of 9.7 per cent in November.

The three-month figure for September to November 2000, which indicates underlying trends, shows a 1.5 per cent increase compared with the three months ending July 2000.


In the report the largest decease in the volume of sales was in the motor trade, which fell 6.8 per cent between September and November 2000, compared with the three month period June to August 2000.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times