UNHCR offers to help with refugees

A United Nations body has offered to help Ireland implement an expanded programme of refugee resettlement.

A United Nations body has offered to help Ireland implement an expanded programme of refugee resettlement.

The Dublin office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has welcomed the Government's decision to increase the number of refugees it will resettle here from the current level of about 40 to 200.

In a letter to Minister for Justice Michael McDowell, the office said the move was in keeping with UNHCR's aim to create more resettlement opportunities for refugees worldwide.

Mr McDowell welcomed the organisation's support yesterday, as the interdepartmental group set up to implement the expanded programme held its first meeting.


The group represents 10 Government departments and is chaired by the reception and integration agency of his own department.

The Minister commented: "Resettlement is an important part of our overall policy for refugees, many of whom are living in very difficult conditions in refugee camps abroad, and cannot return in safety to their countries of origin.

"Today's meeting is an important step in moving forward on the overall agenda of refugee integration in Ireland, and the group will be consulting with other relevant bodies including UNHCR."

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.