GARLIC lovers should plant garlic cloves right away. You don't have to live in Provence to indulge in growing garlic

GARLIC lovers should plant garlic cloves right away. You don't have to live in Provence to indulge in growing garlic. Heads or bulbs can be bought in many garden shops or even in supermarkets. The head should be broken into individual cloves which are then set out a few inches apart and about two inches deep. The soil should be well drained and should not be manured. For success they require several weeks in cold ground to settle them in.

Meanwhile, those of us with winter heliotrope can go out and sniff on it. The small vanilla scented flowers are at their best now. They are held close to the ground on short stems, an array of pinkish, daisy like blooms. Soon the foliage will begin to appear large, rounded, dark green, almost leathery leaves which can and will make a dense mat about three feet high. In the distance it looks like an interesting foliage plant and most gardeners will hope to keep it at a distance. Those afflicted with winter heliotrope in the wrong place will have the devil of a time trying to eradicate it. Meantime, just enjoy the scent, all innocence and sweetness.