Charities criticise rent control report findings

Well-designed rent control a vital part of housing market, says Focus Ireland

Groups working with the homeless and housing-vulnerable have rejected the findings of a report that said rent controls would do more harm than good.

The Private Residential Tenancies Board yesterday published two reports on the private rented sector. One of them said the introduction of rent controls would lead to the exit of tens of thousands of landlords.

Focus Ireland and Threshold both pointed out the report did not ask landlords how they would react to the introduction of rent controls.

ESRI economist David Duffy, who did research for the report, said landlords weren't asked "specifically to speculate about what they would do if rent controls were introduced. But if you look at the international literature, rent controls do have a negative impact on supply. It has an impact on the standard of accommodation."


Focus Ireland said: “Well-designed rent control is a vital part of any housing market for a country to be able to provide tenants with a secure and long-term home in the private rented sector.”

Threshold chief executive Bob Jordan said: "The private rented sector must be regulated in order to stall the current spiralling costs of rent, which are forcing people out of their homes."

Kitty Holland

Kitty Holland

Kitty Holland is Social Affairs Correspondent of The Irish Times